As promised in breakout session a578-2, I would give a list of all rules and regulations to be followed (to a T) on this website and any website property ending in
Series 1: Gnome Rules
These rules were created on the exact same day that Eric discovered an old VHS tape full of David the Gnome episodes.
- All coupons used and referenced should be in rectangle form – not square.
- If you are going to use the term “THE COLLECTIVE”, you must automatically follow the terms with Obi-Wan Kenobi GIFs.
- Do not use more than 40 shades of green in one post.
- Willy Wonka references should be limited or not used at all.
- 10-10-3-2-1 commercials should be played in their entirety.
- If you stumble across a 1.25 in nickles, they are mine.
- Social Media calendars should be created on cardstock paper.
Series 2: Grover Clevland Rules
Unlike popular thoughts, these rules are not related to a president but memories from Eric watching Sesame Street while in boating on Lake Erie.
- Please keep all blog post titles under 3000 characters.
- Never work with anyone with the initials NB.
- If you are reading a blog entry while driving, DON’T.
- Children under the age of 7 should be required to find at least four hidden Benline’s before continuing.
- If you plan on keyword stuffing, make sure you use the instant kind.
- It’s Castle Grayskull. Not Castle Greyskull.
- Say Hi to Karl for me. If you see him, of course.
Series 3: Unreleased Rules
These rules were actually released several months ago.
- For heaven’s sake, close the homepage’s door. You were not born in a barn.
- Except for you… I’m pretty sure you were born in a barn.
- Gravy boat Lighthouse is greater than UFO Tofu.
- If you count and click on the total of incoming links to this page you will unlock a secret boss level.
- Always write 2020 on your checks instead of 20. This is good information if you are from 1980 and using checks.
Series 4: Released Rules
I am sorry. These rules have yet to be released.