Eric Hersey Web Design and Development

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Modern, Professional Attorney WordPress Website

Gold, Khourey & Turak is one of the most established and credible brands in the Ohio Valley and Steubenville-Wheeling DMA. Luckily for me, I had established myself as a trustworthy individual that would take good care of their brand.

The advertising agency GKT was working with (and I partnered with) had the attorneys working with a CMS called HubSpot. Although this software is cutting edge for digital marketing, this wasn’t the best fit for the client and our working relationship. The attorneys would be better off with a customized WordPress website, with the same bells and whistles they would get through the overpriced HubSpot software.

More to come…

If you think it’s easy writing 40+ portfolio articles, blogging weekly, and maintaining a client list…

I’m pretty sure you can finish that sentence. Needless to say, I have time budgeted out monthly to finish a few portfolio items. This client is on the list!

In the interim, check out a few of these projects:

Gold, Khourey & Turak
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