Eric Hersey Web Design and Development

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Adventurous, Outdoors Tourism Website

Sometimes you get a break in the action and you have all of the time in the world to make something new. This is pretty rare, but when I got a call from Wayne at Em-Media, I was ready to start a new project.

Grand Vue Park in Moundsville, West Virginia is not just a business. It’s a cool business. Websites with awesome products and photos excite designers. Sometimes (a lot of the times), cool imagery of a location and spawn great ideas and design. This was the case with Grand Vue Park.

More to come…

If you think it’s easy writing 40+ portfolio articles, blogging weekly, and maintaining a client list…

I’m pretty sure you can finish that sentence. Needless to say, I have time budgeted out monthly to finish a few portfolio items. This client is on the list!

In the interim, check out a few of these projects:

Em-Media, Inc.
Grand Vue Park
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