Eric Hersey Web Design and Development

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Community, Parks & Recreation Website

I normally am not a fan of a conference (unless it’s Disney related). The best conferences are the ones I don’t have to attend. In this case, I am glad one of my friends attended. Wayne from Em-Media gave me a call and said he had a potential website client for me. Thank you West Virginia Tourism conference.

Martinsburg-Berkely County Parks and Recreation needed an updated website. The website they were using wasn’t awful – it just wasn’t very well organized. With so many departments, parks, and activities, they needed a website that was intuitive for the user.

More to come…

If you think it’s easy writing 40+ portfolio articles, blogging weekly, and maintaining a client list…

I’m pretty sure you can finish that sentence. Needless to say, I have time budgeted out monthly to finish a few portfolio items. This client is on the list!

In the interim, check out a few of these projects:

Em-Media, Inc.
Martinsburg-Berkeley County Parks and Recreation
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