My sense of humor is 99% the same as what you have seen on Conan O’Brien’s various television shows over the years. I accidentally stumbled upon his show in the late ‘90s when he followed The Tonight Show. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and “In the Year 2000” were classic sketches that I still find hilarious.

Years later, I still have CONAN set on my DVR. His station had changed and the format is quite different, but the comedy is still the same. He is self-deprecating, zany, and obscure. These are qualities I often inject in my brand. I make people know I don’t take myself too seriously.

Brand and Voice

Anyone that has browsed around the website realizes that I don’t use much ‘corporate speak’. I understand that I am just a guy, writing blogs and making websites from my home office. I also know that the majority of the audience isn’t reading every word on every page. Most importantly, I know most of you truly don’t care about my brand.

If a user makes their way to my website, they are either a friend or someone looking for something specific – like a service or advice. It’s always best if you understand and get my personality before we talk. I’m a professional that enjoys working with websites. I work hard and love structure. But, I also know that people are not living and dying because of my work on their websites. What I do is fun so I treat it like something fun.

Eric Hersey and Kids Acting Silly on Space Mountain
I’m (Eric Hersey) the one sleeping.

I know most websites I work on don’t include humor or comedy in their copy. I do – however – know that we need to talk to people. My website uses sarcasm and quirky jokes – and that is me. It’s important that we find your voice and use your tone when we write copy for your site. Let them get your personality before you talk

A Look Into Eric Hersey’s Humor

I wouldn’t say that the shows I enjoy 100% classify my humor, but it probably does the best job explaining.

Here are some of the most influential shows and movies:

There are others, but it’s pretty clear to see that I like a pretty goofy style of comedy. I don’t think anyone does goofy better than Conan O’Brien.

Introducing Bobby Casserole

In professional wrestling, many greats say that the best characters are extensions of themselves – with the volume turned all the way up. Maybe Bobby Casserole is Eric Hersey at 11.

The name Bobby Casserole was created on a whim before a school project in 2002. I was playing a sports anchor for our student film and I needed a name fast. Bobby Casserole was the first thing I thought of and it stuck years later. Bobby Casserole was my go-to alias for any silly project I took part in.

Bobby Casserole Twitter

My dim-witted, overzealous character, would be a professional wrestling commentator, personality, and interviewer in the years to come. Through various online projects, Bobby Casserole was featured in quite a few YouTube parody videos and segments. Bobby even exists on Twitter and Facebook.

Bobby Casserole will do anything and not worry about making a fool out of himself.

Favorite Bobby Casserole Project: The Justin Benline Hour Talk Show

My favorite project and my best attempt at comedy was something closely tied to Conan O’Brien. During the Conan-NBC Tonight Show debacle, I drafted up a potential show dealing with a talk show host. I worked with a friend and wanted to try and shoot an episode. I made a set in my basement and was ready to try out my concept. After a few months of coming up with ideas, the concept was a bit too big of an undertaking.

Although my original concept wouldn’t see any action, my set would be put to good use. I never pass up a good opportunity to troll my friend Justin Benline. When I was entered in a local contest (where you are scored by producing creative projects), I created The Justin Benline Hour.

The Justin Benline Hour Recap Show Set with Bobby Casserole
The set was made to look old and generic. I didn’t work too hard on accomplishing that.

The concept was simple – the host Justin Benline had a talk show in Wheeling, West Virginia. Benline often failed to show up and the show was forced to have guest hosts – like Bobby Casserole. The show I produced was the ‘best of’ clips of the week.

I produced two shows of The Justin Benline Hour. It was my first time really using a green screen and multiple cameras. I managed to set up a teleprompter and multiple monitors to view the different angles. This was my first taste of professional lighting (and it’s difficulty) from producing these episodes. I also learned that comedy is tough.

The Premise of Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

It’s pretty simple – Conan brings on a celebrity and he talks to them and ‘asks’ them to be his friend. This is all tongue and cheek, considering these guests are likely already Conan’s friends. They chat for about an hour and usually, hilarity ensues.

Why Did I Pick a Podcast about Conan O’Brien?

It’s important that I don’t always listen to marketing and web design podcasts. Although they are super informative, they don’t generate many laughs. Maybe someone should jump on this and create a comedy based code podcast. Truth be told, this might exist.

The Podcast: Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend

Conan’s podcast just started this year – so it’s easy to binge the entire season. Let’s start with episode one with Will Ferrell (one of my favorites).