When you find a podcast with the name The Blogging Millionaire, you download. I have been blogging for quite some time and I’m not a millionaire. What have I been doing wrong? Maybe this guy has the answers. I had to find out.

The Premise of The Blogging Millionaire

I’m Brandon Gaille, and I want to help take your blog and life to the next level. I went from zero to over 1 million monthly visitors in less than 18 months after making my first blog post ever.

Brandon Gaille – The Blog Millionaire Podcast Website

Meet Brandon Gaille. As you can read, he went from zero to one million visitors in just under two years. Okay, so I am not sure if he makes 1 million dollars, but with that kind of traffic – he should have a pretty nice bank account.

The Blogging Millionaire Brandon Gaille

His podcast is a great source of free information. He uses this platform to give quick 10-minute episodes for actionable advice. I sampled one episode and said – “I can do ten minutes a week” and quickly subscribed.

Why Did I Pick a Podcast about Beginner Analytics for Bloggers?

Most of us are not ‘just’ bloggers. We are running small businesses in the Ohio Valley. Some of us might be advertising agencies looking for some additional advice for our clients. Maybe, just maybe, some of us are bloggers.

What exactly is a blogger?

Our good friend Dictionary.com isn’t very helpful…

a person who regularly writes material for a blog.


Maybe I should be asking what a blog is…

My definition of a blogger usually deals with a hobby and a person that likes to create content (writing usually) online. They often do it for fun and might have some type of passive income attached. Usually, they don’t get into it to make money, but as an extension of their hobby.

Beginner Blooger with Caine
This stock photography guy looks like a beginner blogger. Maybe Caine (the mascot brain) can help him understand Google Analytics.

Most of these bloggers probably don’t have a huge Google Analytics background.

The Blogging Millionaire Gives us the Basics

Our host in this podcast gives us 8-minutes of great advice. Even if you are not my definition of a blogger, you can still use these tips to help out your content marketing campaigns. The Blogging Millionaire covers:

  • Why you should check your Google Analytics every day
  • What to do with 20% of your top posts
  • Adding Lead Magnets and Custom Internal Links
  • Make the posts better and sometimes longer
  • Do you have topic authority
  • How long users are staying on your page

These are simple tasks that everyone with a website can look over. You might also find out why I link the actual podcast on my page instead of directing you to Apple Podcasts. Sneaky, right?

The Podcast: The Blogging Millionaire – Beginner Google Analytics

This darling 8-minute episode is exactly what anyone that is new to Google Analytics needs to hear. It is quick and simple.