Google Analytics and Search Engine Optimization goes hand-in-hand. I was guilty early on of not linking Google Search Console with my analytics. Even worse, I thought analytics was just used to see how many users came to my site. As you can tell by my tone, I had plenty of learning to do.

The Premise of Experts on the Wire (An SEO Podcast)

I discovered Experts on the Wire a few months ago. My neverending search for more information on SEO and web analytics would lead me to their feed. Thankfully, I stopped by for a few episodes and figured I would stay.

Google Analytics for SEO Expert on the Wire Podcast

Experts On The Wire is our weekly Digital Marketing and SEO Podcast hosted by Dan Shure. My goal? Make this your go-to SEO and Digital Marketing Podcast. Half of our shows focus directly on SEO, and the other half explore topics like content marketing and social media.

Experts on the Wire Podcast Page

The host Dan Shure runs a blog called The website is a nice resource for those learning and practicing SEO. He offers paid services, but a lot of free resources worth making it a bookmarked site.

Why Did I Pick a Podcast about Google Analytics for SEO?

Sometimes it is difficult to explain to clients what SEO is and really what you have to do for effective search engine optimization campaigns. Often, you have to break it down to simple math.

The better your content, the higher on search engine pages you show up and the higher the probability a user will click on your website. Hopefully, this results in a sale.

Google Analytics is a key tool for tracking additional website traffic. But, as mentioned in this podcast, there are other factors and things to recognize. Like…

  • Google Analytics is good, but setting up goals make Google Analytics great
  • Why you should ask “What is the purpose of your website?”
  • Measure First and Pick the Tool Last
  • Creating Adjusted Bounce Rates
  • Content Groups to Help Move the Needle
  • Customizing Channel Groups

The Podcast: Experts on the Wire

There is a lot to uncover in this episode and the host does a fantastic job letting us know the good stuff starts. Hint: it’s the 27-minute mark.

Listen to Full Episode on Apple Podcasts