I was a graphic designer first. Over time, I morphed my way into a web designer – web developer – a content marketer – SEO – video producer – and everything else you can find on my solutions page. I have always understood the power of good imagery in marketing.

As I was listening to one of my weekly marketing podcasts, I was suggested Social Media Marketing Happy Hour. I am always open for some new content and gave it a listen. A few weeks later, I landed on “Episode 16 – Focusing on Visuals in Your Marketing”. It was worth a listen (and a re-listen).

The Premise of Social Media Marketing Happy Hour

Not gonna lie – I’ve only listened to a handfull.

This was a podcast I just discovered a few weeks ago and I have been too busy to go and listen to their back catalog. As always, I will cheat and lift the about section from their podcast feed.

The Social Media Marketing Happy Hour Podcast hosted by Dawn Marrs & Traci Reuter is designed for the entrepreneur, solopreneur, small business owner and marketing leader who is ready to learn to leverage organic social media marketing, sales funnels, Facebook advertising and Instagram ads. Grow your email list, generate more leads and sales and just be more effective with your marketing. Each episode is jam packed with success tips & nuggets to help you succeed in your entrepreneurial journey.

Social Media Marketing Happy Hour on Stitcher

Why Did I Pick an Episode about Imagery in Marketing?

Last month I finally ventured into social media (for my business). This isn’t the first time I managed a campaign. One thing I must do when I manage a campaign – create authentic imagery for their marketing. I know it’s super easy to grab a stock photo and throw it up for your blog post, but it drives me crazy. The ease of use for photo editing apps and software make it tough for me to swallow. Besides this being a pet peeve of mine, the hosts of Social Media Marketing Happy Hour give you better explanations.

Generic Marketing Imagery for Listen of the Week
Although the Featured Image of this Post isn’t amazing, look how my extra three minutes made my imagery unique from this stock photo.

Visual Learning

The episode doesn’t focus on using stock photos for everything (that is just my beef). They discuss how adding an image or the right image really enhances your marketing. An interesting fact they threw out:

65% of the population are visual learners.

You can write great copy, but there are a lot of people out there that won’t read it. Introduce a picture to that copy and you will see a significant increase in retention and success rate.

Business Cards and Style Guides

One thing I know that I need to do is smack my face on this website. I know from personal branding that people relate more to people than brands. Some go as far as putting their image on their business cards. I’m not sure if I will go to that length – but I might have to call up one of my photographer buds to get some images for my site and social accounts.

Eric Hersey's Awesome Style Guide Created by Abby Hersey
Thankfully I worked with an awesome graphic designer/branding expert – Abby Hersey – for my personal Style Guide.

The hosts also discuss the importance of having a style guide/branding guide. I can speak from experience – THESE DOCUMENTS ARE SO HELPFUL! Sorry for screaming. But seriously, once you work with a client that has a branding guide, you will never want to go back.

The Podcast

I’ve subscribed to their podcast and I appreciate most of their topics. This episode is only 30-some minutes and an easy listen. There is some banter, but not too much. They stay on topic and keep it surface level. Don’t worry – they don’t deep dive into Adobe PhotoShop and their favorite blending options.

Listen on iTunes*

*Sorry, doesn’t appear they are on Spotify Podcasts so I wasn’t able to easily embed the podcast.