Right Brain. Left Brain.
We have been hammering out concepts on branding for the entire month. We’ve discussed how a brand is more than just your logo or your company name. Last week we listened to a podcast explaining the difference between Marketing and Branding. The final recommendation this week really focuses on why we make branding decisions.
Creative and Analytical Thinking
Several weeks ago I uncovered the origin story of Eric Hersey Web Design and Development. You saw some early sketches of my brain and speech bubble logo. From the start, I knew I wanted to incorporate my ability to be creative and analytical.

Even though some very smart individuals out there debunked the entire Right Brain vs. Left Brain argument, that doesn’t stop us from knowing when someone is super nerdy or super creative. Of course, I use the term nerdy in the most flattering sense. In fact, my good friend Wayne Hardy often introduces me to his clients as the biggest nerd in the Ohio Valley – and I love it. As soon as I open my mouth and start spewing facts about SEO and analytics, people know that I am a true numbers geek.
It takes a little more on-covering, but I’m equally creative. Not in the sense where I sit around the house and paint or make sculptures – but I’ve had my hand in plenty of creative endeavors over the years. I’ve helped develop and write several online shows, produced countless logos, and I have notepads full of screenplays or sketches. Not to mention – I come up with plenty of creative ideas.
Right Brain. Left Brain. USP.
Since I am a web design company, I often find myself discussing with clients how the entire web design process works. I don’t get too deep into the nitty-gritty, but I often try to explain three main components of buidling a website:
- The Content
- Creating and Designing
- Developing the Functionality
In many large web design companies, you pay for several (possibly teams) that handle the content, design, and development. Usually, you have experts that only code or specialists that only write for the web. Although most web designers have a basic understanding of development, they tend to stay on the right side of their brain to create beautiful designs. Having someone that prefers programming logic make your company logo might not be the best idea.

I’ve managed to make this one of my unique selling propositions. I jump back and forth from writing, design, and development without a hitch. I might not take every large corporate job (I focus on local SMBs), but I can compete with quality – while keeping the cost low.
I can help curate the content – utilize the structure and copy we created to create a design that promotes your message – and develop custom code to make sure your website has the functionality to convert.
This is why I push – Right Brain. Left Brain. Total Mind Control.
The Premise of the Advanced Selling Podcast
I stumbled upon this podcast and figured I would give it a try. I was in sales for years and even though I know the importance of good sales training, I’m still a bit traumatized and prefer staying away from any tips, tricks, or sales talk. I was happy that I gave this one a try.
Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You’ll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career.
Apple Podcasts
The Advanced Selling Podcast has over 600+ podcasts and nearly 300 reviews on Apple Podcasts. I didn’t come for selling (although we all can up our game), but I did come for some branding talk.
Why Did I Pick a Podcast about “Right Brain & Left Brain”?

The podcast doesn’t quite talk about Right Brain or Left Brain much. The featured guest (Tyler Borders) mentions the fact that he also is a rare breed that is equally creative and analytical. This of course made me think and relate with his message. Although everyone can’t relate, we can all benefit from some of the points made on the podcast:
- Human Personality and Branding
- Understanding Who You Are
- What To Do and Not Do for First Sales Job
- Ranking Terms of Who You Are
Tyler does a great job giving some solid advice. You might want to have a notepad ready to write down some of these suggestions.
The Podcast: “Your Brand = Your Reputation”
The podcast starts up about 5 minutes in.